Saturday, July 24, 2010

Movie Night

Pictures while we wait in line.

On Friday night me and the boy went to go see Inception. We got there for the 9:20pm showing but it was sold out so we immediately got tickets for the 10:10pm showing and waited in the long line to get into the theater the movie was playing in.

We talked, took pics, people watched...

Finally we are let into the theater and of course everyone runs to the doors like a mob. We spotted 6 open seats in a desirable spot and this man that actually had cut and run in front of us has the gall to tell us "Sorry these seats saved!" I said "Sorry we paid too!" I mean the nerve of him to not only run in front of us but also try and reserve six seats? Me and Ben sat down and paid him no mind. He didn't try to argue with us because I think he knew deep down inside, that he was ridiculous.

The movie was good though. It starts off very confusing then gets a little less confusing but then at the end you are back to where you started lol. I do love me some Leo though so despite the movie being long it really didn't feel like it.

We were going  to go out and get some frozen yogurt at this place that stays open until 1:00am but the movie ended at 12:48am so instead we just went home.

It was a good night : )

Chico is Gone

Cheeks waiting with me in the car for his new owner to come get him.

So yesterday morning I bid Chico farewell. I must admit it sucked big time. I got really close to the little guy. And he got really close to me. It was fun to see him do his little happy dog dance as soon as I'd get home. And I was getting so much more done because he would wake me up at 9am every morning.

But I am glad that he is happy to be at his new owners. He'll forget about little ol' me in no time. He has backyard to run and play in and not to mention a sexy poodle lady friend! lol.

I know when we move out of these apartments we are going to have a place with floors and a backyard because I wants me a dog. Frida wasn't too crazy about having a dog in the house. She seriously ate a bowl of hard food a day because she was "stress eating" lol. She looks like a serious fatty now.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Oy Vey

Thats really all I can say. I don't even really know what Oy Vey means but I am guessing its somewhere along "Oh Lordy" or "Oh My Goodness" And it has been that kind of week.

Since Friday I have been babysitting Chico the Chihuahua in hopes of someone coming forth and reclaiming their dog. Yet after a post on Craigslist, an entry to the pound, and flyers around the neighborhood. No luck.

So today me and the dude are taking our one of many daily walks. Its a concrete path alongside Mission Road that is lined by dense green grass. I always see a lot of people in the neighborhood walking their dog and hey I finally joined the club. It was fun. I ran with Chico a couple times and forgot for like the 10th time to bring a baggy to pick up his doo-doo. Whoops. Oh well. (I am a newbie at this dog "owner" business, spare me please!)

As we are wrapping up our walk I see a cut little kitty near some bushes and give her some pets. She purrs in contentment as I am about to walk away I see one of her legs is turned under her in a manner that is definitely not normal. I pick her up and sure enough the leg just dangles about like a boiled pasta noodle. So, I brought her home because I couldn't just leave her there.

I can't afford to pay her vet bills for whatever is wrong with her leg. I can barely hold my own here. But thankfully I found a grass roots rescue organization based in San Francisco that promises not to euthanize animals. So tomorrow I take this little kitty to a vet in Fremont, CA. I am going to give them strict instructions not to put this kitty down because it is the most loving thing ever.

Ugh. Midterms, Chico, and broken legged cat.

Yeah its been that kind of week.

Now not normal.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Chico the Chihuahua

My neighbors found this little boy chihuahua. Normally I am not a fan of chihuahua. Their skittishness makes my anxious and nervous, their trembling makes me feel like they are having a seizure, and they are notorious for being yappy. But this little dude is none of the above. He is flippin' awesome! Our neighbors kept him yesterday and today. I convinced Ben to let us keep him over the weekend. Tomorrow I am going to put some flyers up a round the area just to see if anyone calls. I put an ad up on Craigslist hoping someone would call but so far no luck.

I want Chico to be mine! I've never had a dog and if no one claims him I hope that will change soon ; P.

P.S Isn't it weird that Chihuahua's kinda look like they have hypothyroid?

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Frida Got a Bath

Frida Bath
Frida Bath 2

Ben is back to working weekends and it sucks. I am so bored and I hardly know what to do with myself.

So finally I went and did what I had been putting off. Give Frida a bath! She hadn't had one probably in 2-3 years because she had been down in Arizona. (Ben used to be allergic to cats, like deadly allergic)

Lets not be nice about this, she smelled like butthole. As she too suffers from catputsbutinyourface syndrome. Ben pushed her off of him one day and said "EW FRIDA YOU SMELL LIKE BUTTHOLE!" lol it was so funny, but like sad at the same time.

I always try to get it over with as fast as I can especially now that Frida is seven-years-old. I mean she is practically a middle aged woman. Not frail and falling apart but not as vivacious as a young cat. I have to be gentle with the old gal. And she hates her baths. I mean she just kinda goes into shock mode and hyperventilates the whole time. Its bad.

But now she smells lovely so heres to hoping she won't smell like butthole anytime soon!

Frida Bath 4

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Thank You For The Memories

Red Rose

Grandpa's Funeral 1

Grandpa's Funeral

I couldn't attend my grandfathers funeral due to the costs I had already amounted by making not one, but two trips to the LA area.

But like my cousin Cassandra said, " I was there when it mattered most." Indeed I was. I got to touch my grandfathers warm forehead and speak to him. Even though he could not speak I knew he could hear us. The amount of joy that he must have been feeling makes my heart smile.

I took these pictures off of my cousin's Facebook.

I am so glad that he was so blessed with love.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Rest in Peace Grandpa

mom and grandpa
My Mom and Grandpa about 12 years ago

My grandfather passed away at 8:05 pm on the 4th of July of 2010.

 I had been visiting him everyday when I was down there. I feel so blessed that on his last day of life I was able to get to say good bye. During his last days he was surrounded by the people he loved most and although he could no longer speak we all knew his heart was smiling and that he could hear us.

On Sunday my heart felt heavy all day because I still hadn't seen my grandfather due to visiting other family members. Before heading back on the road to go home I told Ben I wanted to say good bye one last time. I got there and right away I stroked his forehead and spoke to him.

About 10 minutes after as I was sitting next to him stroking his arm and talking to him he let out a groan and my aunt came running to his side with his medicine thinking maybe that was what he was asking for. But it wasn't. Right away she knew, this was it. This was the moment.

We broke into tears and held onto him as he let out his last breath. I'll never forget how powerful and emotional that was. And how blessed I was to have been able to say good bye one last time.

Just in time.

Friday, July 2, 2010


Right now I feel so stressed.

I am frusterated. Annoyed. And Exhausted.

I am getting two major guilt trips from two different angles.

While I've fulfilled the duty of going down to Oxnard, CA to visit and say good bye to my grandfather  my mom now wants me to drive back down and visit since she gets there tonight.

Where is the MONEY for this?

I haven't seen my mom and brother since Christmas so it sounds awfully tempting to just go down there and visit them but at the same time its not quite fitting into the budget. And what isn't it feel very worth it is that i would have to leave Saturday morning then come back the day after on Sunday. Not much of a trip.

I haven't even bought my books for school. My financial aid check is late, as usual. And I feel bad leaving Ben, again, and on his last free weekend before school starts. He isn't saying anything but I know he is bummed at the possibility of spending the 3-day 4th of July weekend by himself.

I feel like what ever decision I make is going to hurt someone.

Right now my life feels very grown-uppy. I spent all morning calling 1-800 numbers inquiring, organizing, and double checking things. 

Oh and never in my life have I wished so hard to be 25.

Here's looking at you rental car surcharge fees!