Sunday, June 27, 2010

Jack London Square

Jack London Farmer's Market 2

Jack London Farmer's Market

Home Grown Tomatoespretty flowers

Ben at Jack London Square

Today it was hot. We went to Jack London Square in Oakland which is right by the bay. I was hoping there would be a refreshing breeze but nada. There was just stale hot air. But at least we were able to score some awesome deals on the produce.

We got there shortly before the vendors started packing up so they slashed their prices. We made out like bandits. 8 pounds of food for 8 dollars. Mix and match. Oh it was wonderful!

For once it was the late birds who got the worm ; P

Jack London Square

June 26th: Garin Park

Me and Ben at Regional Garin Park

Pomegranate Sparkler         Empty Glass

Me and Ben went to Country Waffles to go eat some breakfast. I like that place but Ben wasn't too crazy about it. Afterwards we just went to pick up his contacts then back home. I had the brilliant idea to go to the Oakland Zoo but we ended up not going because by coincidence I happened to pick the one day out of the year that they close the ding dang zoo early. It closed at noon because there was an adults only high society event going on in the evening. Food samples and tasty wines were being provided by various local restaurants. I told Ben, Hey that sounds fun lets get us some tickets and go to that!

But it was 125.00 a person sooo....

WHATEVER. Sounded lame anyways! Hah. I am jealous. I totally wished we could go.

We bummed around the house for a few hours then I told Ben we were going to eat at the park then go for a walk there. And that we did!

We also climbed like the most epic hill ever.

Ben Sunshine 4

View from Hill     Pond

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Adventures With Frida

Frida on Dash

This Wednesday started out craptastic. I woke up at an ungodly hour to hurry up and hide any signs that an animal lives in our home since perspective buyers were coming to look at ALL the apartments. & little Frida cat isn't on the lease.

Today it was me and Frida, in the car, for four hours. Oh, yeah.

Me and Frida in Car

We went to the vet first to drop off the wiley cat my neighbor and I are nursing back to health. We say he is "feral" because he hates practically everyone else but us. He managed to bite two vet techs and scratch one. Not embarrassing, at all.

Frida and I then went to The Country Waffle to get myself some breakfast. She waited in the car obediently with the windows cracked. Then I went to Target and she again chilled in the car. Then we drove and drove around some. Then we went to a park and I tried taking her down but she wasn't havin it so back in the car we went. I tried to nap but that wasn't working either so instead we went to McDonalds and got me an Iced Mocha to wake mama up.

After all this we didn't get home till about 1pm because of course they didnt' see our apartment until about 12:30. I wanted nothing more than to plop onto my bed and let my mind drift into a delicious slumber, but I had to get ready for class. I go to school and class is cancelled. Its like the teacher read the signals my tired brain was giving him and said hey Ferni, take the day off!

I must shamefully admit that today was fun. Frida was like my partner in crime. During the times the car was running she was a wreck going MAOW MAOW MAOW. But when the roar of the engine would cease she was my homie. (I took a funny video on my cell phone but for some reason it isn't letting my send it to my email like it normally does).

It was like our own little mother-daughter day. If of course being a mother means you are allowed to leave your kid in the car while you ponder things to buy at Target and if it means letting your kid ride on the back dashboard. What, you don't do that?

Frida on Dash and Me
...its because I'm a cool mom!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

For the Kid in You


When my uncle and Dad came to visit from June 10th-19th I spent a lot of time in Fairfield. Fairfield doesn't have much going for it. Its very desolate, rural, and farmy. But my wonderful aunt, uncle, and cousins live up there so that totally makes it worth visiting.

On Thursday I hung out with my 11-year-old cousin Sophia. I went through a stage in my life where I hated kids probably as much as most people hated spiders. I don't know why. They just got on my last stinkin' nerves. My patience for them was next to zero. I either avoided them all together or ran for the hills!

But thankfully, I am out of that stage. I did a lot of chillin' with my cousin Sophia. Kids always help you tap into your more simple self.

All day we just watched Hannah Montana reruns, iCarly, fed Baby Kitty, and went for walks. The above photo in particular cracks me up because we went for a walk down the street and she is scared of the "maniac dogs" as she calls them. So basically she carried around this stick ready to attack any dogs if they happened to leap over their fences.

Sophia 2   Sophia 3

<3 you Sophia.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Go Make Yourself a Dang Salad

Salami Salad

Uhhh so lately I've been kinda crushing on salami. I forget about salami. I don't know why either.I think the fat content has something to do with it. But used moderately it can be quite wonderful!

Salami Salad

Fresh Greens. Dark and deep colors are always best.
Sliced Roma Tomatoes
Sliced Red Onion
Sliced Salami Pieces
Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Balsamic Vinegar

*I didn't put portions or measurements because I think with salads its free game!

June 20

us 5

us 3

me 2


Today me and my lovie went to Verizon and pretended like we were cool enough to get a Droid or Blackberry. We oogled phones but left with nothing. But soon we will be cool people with stylish phones. Just you wait!

Then we went to Marshalls but left after a weirdo employee harassed us out of the candle section.
I understand you gotta restock lady but we were here first.
And we are customers.

Then we went to Fuddruckers.
I got a coupon that was buy one burger get the other free.
Fuddruckers = Best. Burgers. Ever.

Then we went to the thrifty together.
I got a lovely black wrap dress for two dollars!

After all that  we came home and took a nappy time.

When I got up I made my bear lunch for tomorrow because I promised I would pack him a lunch all this week if he did the dishes when it was my turn last week.

He better not get used to that.

UPDATE: I forgot to mention that at Fuddruckers I hit my head on a lamp. I also later managed to splash water on my face. Oh and in between Marshall's and Fudds we went to Borders too.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

To My Fawshaw,

Dear Dad,

Thanks for coming up all this way to visit me. It meant the world to me.
When we were saying our good byes I didn't want you to leave.
I wanted to run after you and hug you forever.
I miss you everyday. I hate that I don't get to see you as often as I would like.
It is why I treasure every moment with you.

Love always,

Your daughter.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Dear Saturday: You were the best today!

Today was a perfect day.

Not the best picture but the only one I had of today.

Me and my love went to the mall today.
Together we window shopped.
I made him look at a lot of shoes. But he didn't mind.
I looked at a lot of pretty dresses that I wanted to take home.
We only bought some home sprays from Bath and Body Works because thats all we could afford.
But its moments like these I treasure.

When we got home. My lovie told me that someday I will have very nice things.
He said I deserve them because I am pretty, nice, and a hardworker
Thanks lovie I love you.

We then went and wandered around Target and when I got home I made a delicious Italian salad for dinner. Yum!