My Mom and Grandpa about 12 years ago
My grandfather passed away at 8:05 pm on the 4th of July of 2010.
I had been visiting him everyday when I was down there. I feel so blessed that on his last day of life I was able to get to say good bye. During his last days he was surrounded by the people he loved most and although he could no longer speak we all knew his heart was smiling and that he could hear us.
On Sunday my heart felt heavy all day because I still hadn't seen my grandfather due to visiting other family members. Before heading back on the road to go home I told Ben I wanted to say good bye one last time. I got there and right away I stroked his forehead and spoke to him.
About 10 minutes after as I was sitting next to him stroking his arm and talking to him he let out a groan and my aunt came running to his side with his medicine thinking maybe that was what he was asking for. But it wasn't. Right away she knew, this was it. This was the moment.
We broke into tears and held onto him as he let out his last breath. I'll never forget how powerful and emotional that was. And how blessed I was to have been able to say good bye one last time.
Just in time.
I'm so sorry to hear about your grandpa but relieved that you could have those moments with him. Let me know if you need anything.